Land and Vehicle Utility
Note: Some text and guidelines will require supplemental imagery, which will be added as soon™ as possible.
Welcome to the NetVRk Land and Vehicle Utility Summary, an adjunct work to compliment the NetVRk Whitepaper. The goal is twofold. First, this document will inform our community of our vision for how land in the Netvrk metaverse provides utility to landowners and visitors to the world. Second, the document will explain how vehicles and transportation happen in our world and how that provides utility for the owners of vehicles.
The designs outlined in this document represent our current thinking of the targets for these two assets in the project which Netvrk developed under the direction of our seasoned creative team. As with any creative entertainment endeavor, the end product is expected to be a product of not just this initial design document but also of the iterations made to this plan after rounds of testing, iteration, user feedback, and risk evaluations. With all web3 products, there is an added factor of regulation that continues to inform the design process.
We have chosen this format for the document to provide the community with an understanding of how the creative team structured their discussions.
A. History - Provide an understanding of how the initial project designs expected Land and Vehicles would work in the metaverse experience.
B. Long-Term Vision - Merging the original vision with the added scope and complexity, where would we expect to see these assets’ utility past the next five years.
C. Near Term - Given the long-term vision, what initial functions should we put in place that will provide utility and opportunities and allow us to test assumptions made in the original direction?
D. Current Challenges/Risk mitigation - Discuss what challenges are currently present, what opportunities we may be forgoing to move in the current direction, and what risk mitigation strategies we might employ to minimize negative impacts on the overall project.
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